World Animal Day

World Animal Day


October 4, was first celebrated in Florence in 1931, as an animal day, as a way of protesting and raising awareness for the public regarding the endangered animals. Since then, this day, which has been chosen because it is the day of St. Francis’ of Catholic Assistance, a protector of animals and the environment, was proclaimed the day of all animals. Nowadays, it’s referred to as World Animal Day.

World Stray Animals Day

This day was introduced at the initiative of the Dutch animal welfare organizations in 2010 to raise awareness of the international community concerning the fate of the 600 million stray animals estimated to be living under wretched conditions on our planet. Animal welfare organizations call on each one to adopt an animal or to assist programs and campaigns to protect them.

Keep In Mind
  1. All animals are born with equal rights to life
  2. We have to respect the life of every animal
  3. Each animal is entitled to care, attention and protection from human beings.
  4. No animal shall be subjected to ill-treatment or inhuman behavior.
  5. Each animal is entitled to live in its natural space (land, sea, air) and reproduce according to natural laws.

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